Lexi Rosenberg graduated from The University of Tampa with her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology & Applied Dance in 2019. Lexi studied Brain Compatible Dance Education & dance anatomy and physiology, and had the pleasure of learning from artists like Bill Evans, discovering a true passion for dance education, and the way it touches & fundamentally changes the course of childrens’ lives. In the summer of 2019, Lexi studied in Seattle, WA. with Anne Green Gilbert, the founder of Brain Compatible Dance Education, earning her certificate as a B.C.D. educator.
Based on brain/body developmental research, this teaching protocol uses conceptual learning to develop holistically trained dancers who are skilled technicians, inventive creators, critical thinkers, and successful collaborators, in the words of A.G.G. This curriculum focuses on an adapted vocabulary of Rudolph von Laban’s space, time, force, and body elements of movement.
Lexi’s classes include solo and group activities that foster self confidence, as well as social skills; students end each class with a reflection of the concepts explored, strengthening self-awareness and critical thinking. Miss Lexi’s warm and enthusiastic nature provides students with a safe space to learn, express, and grow. She is also a Yoga teacher and is passionate about safe stretching practices in the dance studio!